Tuesday, March 07, 2006



Sunday, February 19, 2006


测验过后,我终于可放下一个累人的包袱, 继续我的人生。有一种说不出的失落感,在心中蔓延。或许,是我的得失心太重了。人的欲望仿佛是个无底洞,永无止尽的欲望,或许有一天,我将掉进这洞里,自我掩埋。但是,人生应该不止是如此而已。我应该不断地学习,学习如何自信一些,学习放宽心胸,学习得与失。我相信,老天会眷顾用功的人。

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dear Jas

Hey Jas,
long time no see ya...how have u been? Thanx alot for your concern. I'm doing fine...trying to get used to the fact that my parents have left again and that it's time for me to be the big sister of the family. However, it's always comforting to know that my two younger sisters are understanding and caring.

How did u celebrate v-day? I had a wonderful one with my bf! It's really not abt the bouquet of flowers or the fanciful present, it's abt the companionship for the day!

Maybe it's just me...the very me u know of when we were in JC...sentimental, emotional n sensitive...perhaps too complex for my brain to function properly..haha...If i'd learn to take things in my stride and be contented with what i have at present, i shld be doing great, not just fine right?

I met up with mz, ant n mic yesterday for dinner.. dinner was sumptuous and u can imagine, it's so nice to be with old frens...they know u best and they definitely have the ablity to bring that smile back on your face. I was complaining abt how ugly i looked on prom...i questioned mic abt his compliments for me then. Mic replied," if i had told u that u looked bad, do u think i'd get to see that smile of urs on prom night?" I almost vomitted blood...haha...on the hindsight, it's great to know that your fren really care abt ur feelings, to the extent of lying ya..

It's my first entry in English...and it's all bcos of u ya..hope to hear from you soon!


Sunday, January 29, 2006



Wednesday, January 25, 2006



Friday, January 13, 2006


前几天看电视,目睹一对双胞胎兄弟,为了生存而挣扎,骤然发现,原来活着也是一种幸福。幸福原来可以很简单! 或许,幸福不过是一种知足的心情表现。

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


常听人家说,休息是为了走更长的路。 充了电的心情,终于又可以再度面对我的人生。或许,时间真的能冲淡一切,抚平伤痕。带着这样的心情开始我的新学期,但愿这一次,一切都会好走些。

