Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just be myself!


I went to Miko's band concert that day. In order for petite me to get a full view of my equally petite sister, I had to sit at this corner, three rows from the front. She was there, sitting in the first row, looking poised though a little nervous. I always like to tease her, saying that she is Little Gandhi, but seriously she has the power and perseverance of Gandhi. Halfway through the 1st song, I was already moved to tears. Her fingers were running through the keys on her clarinet so fast, like they were not her own, like it was all automated! That moment I knew Miko is no longer the little timid sister who likes to hold my little finger when we go out shopping. I'm so proud of you, Miko!

I know my friends always think that I'm too bothered by the little details. Why do you get youself so involved in everything you do, they'd say. I'm just me. But what's wrong with getting myself involved if I can only live my life once. I just wanna live my life the way I want it to be, though it might mean immense pain and disappointment. But no pain, no gain right? It's all about choices.

Why must you always give politically-correct answers, my other friends would say. Honestly, I think "politically-correct" is not the word to describe me. I wasn't trying to be "politically-correct", I was just trying to feel more for the others. Why must we try so hard to conform to the norm? Why are we turning ourselves into self-centred, care less and indifferent robots? Just because it's the norm! Have it ever occur to you that the norm might not be the right? That's why I learn to trust my feelings. Because feelings don't lie. No matter how hard we try to be in self-denial, emotions will show, in one form or another.

Life is really about choices. We can all be our own DJs, playing the tunes which we love to hear. So don't ask why I'm so involved in everything I do, cos I just want to be myself! I want to live my life and not someone else's.

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